Summerlin & Las Vegas (In Person) · Global   

ADULT ADHD · Executive function COACHING 

Gain clarity and focus with new strategies for Executive Functioning, Time Blindness, Emotional Dysregulation, Rejection Sensitivity, Social Intelligence, the ADHD Financial "Tax" and more.

Teresa Lauer, LCPC, LMHC

(425) 516-9296


I'm so glad you're here! I appreciate the courage it takes to seek help, especially when you're unsure where to start and I understand that when you're ready to learn new strategies for a condition that you've accepted will last a lifetime, there's an urgency to get started!

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD; previously known as ADD) responds incredibly well to ADHD Coaching. If you're desperate to be free of the negativity and are thirsty for a positive, happy life, I can help. I assure you, you have every right to believe that your life, relationships (both intimate and social) and career or business can become more harmonious and in balance.

I offer a non-judgmental, supportive environment in which discovery of your strengths and fine-tuning of those things you consider deficits is encouraged. Your personal growth and happiness are my ultimate goal.

We explore what makes you happy; what you find exciting and fun (particularly important to those with ADHD!), how to change behaviors that you'd prefer to leave behind and ways to create rewards that make that behavior more meaningful, plus, much, much more!

We'll set about making changes for those pain points you're experiencing as quickly as possible so that you can move forward and achieve your goals!


  • You'll find me to be a very warm, compassionate and approachable person. I am empathic and intuitive as to how others are feeling and often sense the same in my clients. I have over 30,000 client hours as a psychotherapist and coach and bring the highest possible care and concern to our work.

    I intimately relate to the challenges you're facing with ADHD. I've experienced the effects personally my entire life and have developed highly effective and impactful strategies and calming techniques. Please know I take your ADHD very seriously and am here to make your life much easier and much happier!

  • If you've felt misunderstood with people commenting that you're "thin skinned" and "too emotional" all your life, you are in the right place.  I take your emotions very seriously and your needs and wants are paramount. There is a specific condition that many with ADHD experience called Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD). Together, we'll help make the rejection that is felt so deeply with this condition and equalize your emotions.

  • If you are interested in an assessment and diagnosis of your ADHD, you can expect the gold-standard. I use a very highly-researched, reliable instrument and many, many years of expertise in treating ADHD to help definitely learn whether ADHD is a correct diagnosis.

    Included in my assessment and diagnosis, is a customized treatment plan, no matter the ultimate diagnosis so that you have a straight path forward. We identify your struggles and the best treatment based on your issues and personality. Sometimes this means psychotherapy, sometimes coaching is of more help. For instance, because many adults with ADHD are high-functioning, this may mean coaching and psychoeducation versus psychotherapy, particularly if you've made concessions and developed coping skills throughout your lifetime.

  • You can expect to learn how to master foundational concepts such as accountability, self-compassion and self-care.

  • You can expect the very highest level of professional care and compassion.

Because of the complexities of the work I do, I've taken great care to provide you with the answers you need in order to make the decision to proceed with ADHD Coaching, an ADHD Assessment or a Prepare-Enrich Assessment and Couples Counseling based on your needs.

My Initial Consultation is provided for $200 for an hour at which time we will discuss your needs and have a clear path forward as to the next steps.

Please feel free to bring any questions you may have to this consultation so that we may move forward in our work together; I look forward to being of help to you!

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